• Dolla 2006
  • Dolla 2006
  • Dolla 2006
  • Dolla 2006
  • Dolla 2006
  • Dolla 2006
  • Dolla 2006
  • Dolla 2006
  • Dolla 2006

Dolla 2006

We were asked to get involved on this project, as the site had an existing planning permission to extend and renovate the existing cottage and outbuildings.

The site is located on an elevated and exposed location in the Silvermines mountains.

We were engaged  to redesign the proposed house to meet the needs of the new owner, while also satisfying the requirements of the local authority, and delivering a contemporary piece of architecture.


The main concept for the dwelling is the use of a fully enclosed courtyard.

This courtyard is enclosed by some of the existing refurbished outbuildings and also the new proposed buildings.

The proposed dwelling comprises of a sedum grass roof, and local stone/slate cladding to anchor the design in the landscape.

The bulk of the dwelling is minimized by articulating the shape into different elements, of pitched/monopitched and flat roofs.


 The house is constructed as a low energy dwelling to a high specification with an extremely air tight envelope.

The layout is designed to maximise passive solar gain, and uses a heat recovery system combined with a solar array to reduce the heating load of the dwelling.

The external finishes are slate stone cladding, pre-weathered zinc, bauder seedum roof, cedar cladding, and a white acrylic render system.

The house is awaiting commencement in 2008.